Lee: When are we getting relief grants?

Pointe-a-Pierre MP David Lee. -
Pointe-a-Pierre MP David Lee. -

Why is the government issuing face masks instead of salary relief grants? This was the question David Lee, deputy political leader of the United National Congress (UNC) asked on Sunday at the weekly Opposition press conference.

“We are suffering, the country is suffering and the Minister of Finance think it is important to issue 41,000 masks...He is taking good money. We have passed the issues of face masks. You could take all kinds of jerseys and make face masks. The issue in the country is survival of the small and medium businesses, of the economy and families who are out there still back home.”

He said malls have been shut down, and store owners and their employees have been suffering and need to get grants as soon as possible.

He hoped on Saturday, the Prime Minister would announce that construction workers would return to work.

“Construction drives the economy and they have been shut down for weeks now, just like how small and medium businesses are dying now. Workers have been sent home for the past seven weeks. I thought that is what the Prime Minister would been talking about.”


He suggested instead of giving out face masks, they give out pulse oximeters to covid19 patients for them to monitor their blood oxygen levels so they know if they are getting sicker.


"Lee: When are we getting relief grants?"

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