Some suggestions for the banks
THE EDITOR: I fully endorse measures to protect us during the pandemic. I have some suggestions for the banks.
You do not want us to come inside the bank to do routine transactions like withdrawals, so how about increasing our limits at the ATM instead of making us have to do transactions over two days to get the required amount of funds?
As for ATM cash deposits, why can't we have next-day credit to our accounts or is it that you want me to line up for two hours to deposit cash? The alternative is to wait sometimes for as many as two days before the funds appear in the account and, by the way, that is not over a weekend, so there is no excuse.
How about some tutorials for seniors to understand how to transfer funds from one bank to another competitor bank online?
Hope you find my suggestions helpful. I am sure your clients would appreciate them.
via e-mail
"Some suggestions for the banks"