Franklin Khan's funeral to be aired on ttt on Saturday

THE funeral of late energy minister Franklin Khan, will be carried live on state-owned ttt on Saturday morning, his widow Laura Sewlal-Khan told Newsday in a text message on Friday.
It can be watched on television or on the livestream at
The service begins at 10 am at the Aramalaya Presbyterian Church, Tunapuna, with interment later at the Radix Cemetery at Mayaro under Anglican rites.
It will be an official funeral, with Khan's hearse accompanied by a military escort.
With all funerals now being limited to ten individuals in attendance under covid19 protocols, those present will be chiefly family members.
Newsday understands that the eulogy will be delivered by Heritage Petroleum CEO Arlene Chow. Presbyterian Church moderator Rev Joy Abdul-Mohan will officiate.
Tributes will be delivered by livestream by the Prime Minister, Planning Minister Camille Robinson-Regis and Finance Minister Colm Imbert.
Khan was a former Ortoire/Mayaro MP and former PNM chairman.
He died on April 17 of a heart attack due to bleeding in an unknown calcified cyst in his heart, likely exacerbated by his use of blood thinners.
The Ministry of National Security, in a statement on Friday, confirmed that Khan would have an official funeral, which should be officially observed by all TT flags being flown at half mast.
It said, "The Ministry of National Security is advising all state and non-state agencies and Trinidad and Tobago diplomatic missions abroad that the national flag of TTT is to be flown at half-mast tomorrow, Saturday May 8, 2021 in observance of the official funeral.
"The Code of Flag Etiquette of the Republic of TT stipulates that the national flag should be flown at half-mast on the day of the funeral of members of the Cabinet."
This is done when the nation is in mourning.
"Franklin Khan’s funeral to be aired on ttt on Saturday"