Government lists essential businesses that can stay open

File photo: Customers after shopping at Massy Stores Supermarket, Westmoorings. 

Photo by Roger Jacob
File photo: Customers after shopping at Massy Stores Supermarket, Westmoorings. Photo by Roger Jacob

The Ministry of the Attorney General and Legal Affairs has released the list of retail establishments which are considered essential.

The new regulations say all retail establishments will close at 8 pm and these measures will remain in place until May 23.

The businesses include supermarkets, groceries, markets, greengrocers, retail membership discount stores, bakeries, poultry depots, fish stalls or shops, fruit stalls or shops, vegetable stalls or shops, parlours and corner shops, provided that not more than 50 per cent of the establishment’s ordinary retail capacity is surpassed at any time during opening hours.

Retailers for newspapers and media houses; hardware stores, including plumbing, electrical, refrigeration stores; establishments that service appliances and electronics; petroleum stations and their attached convenience marts are also considered essential.

Retail health services such as public and private hospitals, laboratories, infirmaries, nursing homes and hospices, funeral homes, crematoria and burial grounds, pharmacies, medical supply companies, dental, optometry, ophthalmology, physical therapy and occupational therapy services can stay open.


Fisherman Akeel Morris, right, sells to customers at the fishing depot in Roxborough, Tobago. Photo by Ayanna Kinsale

Public transport by water taxi, ferry, motor vehicles, and buses, including PTSC buses; repair and maintenance facilities for automobiles; the aviation and maritime sector and the related personnel, equipment and infrastructure, retailers that support air transportation; the maintenance and operation of cargo by air and the associated personnel; the repair of ships and the storage and delivery of goods at, or from, ports, docks, wharves, storage facilities and warehouse operated in connection with these places are also on the list.

Another category is banks, financial institutions, non-banks, remittance facilities, the UTC, NIB, NLCB and its agents, credit unions, insurance companies and services, brokers, capital market companies and retail services in the processing and maintenance of systems of financial and insurance transactions.

Establishments that support retail, sale and services of: the management of hazardous waste and materials; packaging and bottling of items; postal and shipping services; food processing facilities, human food facilities producing by-products for animal food and beverage production facilities, animal and fish food, feed and ingredient production; manufacturing, packaging and distribution of veterinary drugs; veterinary health, manufacturing of and distribution of animal medical materials and associated businesses; and construction relating to agricultural and food production remain essential.

Retail energy services such as IT and OT technology for EMS (energy management systems), supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems and utility data centres; cybersecurity, cybersecurity risk management and back-up; vegetation and traffic services, and environmental remediation and monitoring instrumentation protection and control also remain open.

Also essential are establishments that support retail, sale and services in the petroleum industries, the natural gas, propane and petrochemical industries, the chemical services sector, the construction sector, the information, communication and technology sectors, water and sewerage, fire and safety supplies, and the production and transportation of chlorine and alkali manufacturing, single-use plastics and packaging that prevents the contamination or supports the continued manufacture of food, water, medicine and other essential products, including glass container manufacturing.


"Government lists essential businesses that can stay open"

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