Opposition: Spiritual Baptists a community of resilience

Leader Kamla
Persad-Bissessar.  -
Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar. -

OPPOSITION leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar says the survival of Spiritual Baptists in the face of government oppression is a true testament to the determination of worshippers.

Persad-Bissessar issued a message on the occasion of Tuesday’s Spiritual Baptist Liberation Day, saying the community has showed the country how hope, courage, determination and unity can triumph over any challenge.

“The strength and faithfulness of the Baptist community continue to provide me with motivation and the drive to keep going even when I feel disheartened, and we should all be inspired by their commitment and dedication,” she wrote.

“Their survival in the face of unjust government oppression during the prohibition years by the colonial authorities is a true testament to their determination.”

She noted that for 34 years (1917-1951), the religion was banned in Trinidad.


“But, they endured, and after many hardships and persistent efforts, they gained the freedom to practice their faith.”

Persad-Bissessar said she was proud to be part of a political party “that took a central role in righting this wrong by granting the Baptist community an official holiday in 1996 on the anniversary of the repeal of the Shouters Prohibition Ordinance.

“Then again under my government, the completion of their very own school in 2012. Thank you to the Baptist community for inspiring us all with your continued strength and resilience.

“This year, as we continue to grapple with the covid19 pandemic, we are again unable to celebrate as we have done in past years.

“I know this is difficult, and even though we may grow weary of the measures we have followed since the start of the pandemic, remember why we are doing this and why it is important – to protect your health and that of your families.

“I urge everyone to continue to be responsible and do your part to prevent the spread of the virus.

“Today, as we face trying times and challenges in our nation, let us take inspiration from the struggle of the Spiritual Baptist community, and work together to overcome the hardship, suffering, and challenges posed by the pandemic.”

Persad-Bissessar concluded, saying, “as we continue to do our part in this health crisis, we must also tackle the other pressing issues that hamper our progress – inequality, high unemployment, crime, and limited opportunities for our young people.

“These challenges can be overcome, and with the strength, determination, and indomitable spirit of our people, we will prevail over this crisis and emerge stronger and more united.”



"Opposition: Spiritual Baptists a community of resilience"

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