Young: Pepper spray no silver bullet for crime

Hon. Stuart Young, Minister of National Security,
The commissioning of the Ballistic Recovery Department of the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service and graduation ceremony for participant of the Firearm and Toolmarking Training Programme, Cumuto Military Camp, Cumuto. - ROGER JACOB
Hon. Stuart Young, Minister of National Security, The commissioning of the Ballistic Recovery Department of the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service and graduation ceremony for participant of the Firearm and Toolmarking Training Programme, Cumuto Military Camp, Cumuto. - ROGER JACOB

National Security Minister Stuart Young said while the government would seriously and carefully consider making pepper spray more easily accessible to the public, he reminded citizens that there was no "silver bullet" for crime.

Speaking at a media conference at the Ministry of National Security, Temple Court, Abercromby Street, Port of Spain, on Tuesday, Young said he was concerned over the disappearance of 22-year-old court clerk Andrea Bharatt.

He said while calls for the legalisation of non-lethal weapons like pepper spray and Tasers have resurfaced, there was need for more discussion at the level of the National Security Council, noting he recently received a report from specialists for suggestions on such a policy.

"It is not a very simple decision there are a lot of for and against arguments and I will not pin any timeline on that.

"All I can do is caution and ask people to be very careful out there. We have a lot of sick people in our society as far as I'm concerned and I find it very disheartening and upsetting to see our young women subjected to this type of criminal activity and behaviour.

"I wish there was some easy fix or some easy way to protect all of the young women in our society and I am really hoping for a positive outcome in this case."

On the issue of criminals using private-hire "PH" cars to target victims, Young said that issue was being addressed by the Ministry of Works and Transport and the Attorney General.


"Young: Pepper spray no silver bullet for crime"

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