Morris to PDP: Where is your manifesto?

PNM Black Rock/Whim/Spring Garden candidate Kelvon Morris has demanded the Progressive Democratic Patriots (PDP) be disqualified for having not yet presented its manifesto to Tobagonians.
The THA election is being held on January 25.
Addressing the party’s Focus on Youth forum in Castara on Monday night, Morris urged the young people to reject the PDP’s leader Watson Duke and deputy leader Farley Augustine when they come seeking votes.
“Young men and young women, when you see those two men coming, ‘Tobago Trump’ (Duke) and ‘Tobago poser boy’ (Augustine), coming with their rope as if is Carnival, I want you to ask them, ‘Before they even open their mouths, just ask them, ‘Where is your plan?’
“We don’t want nothing off the top of their head. We want them to give us something that we can actually peruse and we can scrutinise, because we young people are smart people and we are not going to allow them to hoodwink us. We are not going to allow them to outsmart us.”
"Morris to PDP: Where is your manifesto?"