Government trying to bring farm workers home from Canada

Minister of Foreign and CARICOM Affairs senator Amery Browne  - Jeff Mayers
Minister of Foreign and CARICOM Affairs senator Amery Browne - Jeff Mayers

Foreign Affairs Minister Dr Amery Browne said he has been working with the National Security Minister and the Canadian High Commissioner to ensure that the Trinidadian farm workers in Canada are repatriated to TT.

Their work permits expired on Tuesday, making them technically illegal immigrants.

Responding to Newsday via WhatsApp message, Browne said “measures are being taken to get them home in batches and to avail them of local quarantine in keeping with our national protocols. Some have already been brought back.

"In the interim, we have requested provisional arrangements that would extend the permits of those that remain in Canada. The matter is the subject of detailed and constructive ongoing dialog with the government of Canada.”

An article on the news website CBC Canada dated December 10 focused on workers at Schuyler Farms near Simcoe, Ontario, where over 100 workers were said to be waiting to return to TT.

Farm owner Brett Schuyler said he was working with Canadian officials to ensure the workers’ work permits and visas were extended.

Employment insurance and access to income support for the workers who remained in Canada were also a raised as a concern, since if the workers did not have legal status they would not be able to access these programmes.

The workers travelled to Canada in May to participate in that country’s seasonal fruit-picking programme after appealing to National Security Minister Stuart Young to allow them to leave TT to do so.


"Government trying to bring farm workers home from Canada"

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