Flow connects La Brea with homework centres

FLOW has joined with Heritage Petroleum and Nestle in assisting the MP for La Brea Stephen Mc Clashie in developing safe spaces where children can attend and participate in their virtual classes.
La Brea Nightingales office; the Erin, Vessigny, Palo Seco Settlement, Dalley’s Village Community Centres; Sister Paul Outreach Centre and the Guapo Police Youth Club Facility have been set up as homework centres to welcome students who may not have devices or internet connection at home, said a media release.
Mc Clashie said the objective of these centres is to service a generation. “At these centres, we are bringing students and volunteer teachers together to connect. I am utterly delighted and thankful to the sponsors.”
Country manager for Flow Trinidad Kurleigh Prescod said there were lessons for his company to learn during this pandemic.
“Our embracing of this paradigm shift has meant that now more than ever we must ensure that we can continue to keep customers connected, as their lives, businesses and the education of their children depend on it,” he said. “It has meant adapting our own business models to prioritise our networks and to ensure we deliver the very best customer experience.”
"Flow connects La Brea with homework centres"