McClean replaces Baptiste on TT Hockey Board executive

THE TT Hockey Board (TTHB) held its 23rd annual council meeting on Wednesday via Zoom where five officers were elected.
At the annual council meeting, the election of officers, whose two-year term ended in 2020, was held.
First vice-president Roger St Rose (Malvern Sports Club), honourary secretary Reyah Richardson (Harvard Checkers), assistant treasurer Cindy Martin-Faustin (Paragon) and elected member Garth Baptiste (Notre Dame) all went up unopposed.
Ayanna McClean of Ventures and the incumbent Ian Baptiste of Notre Dame were the two candidates for the other elected member with McClean earning more votes.
On the same day, the TTHB held a special council meeting with its member clubs to amend its constitution to permit meetings to be facilitated either in person or via telephone and other technical means. The motion to accept the amendment was unanimously agreed to by the clubs present.
TTHB Executive: president Douglas Camacho (term: 2019 – 2021), first vice-president Roger St Rose (2020-2022), second vice-president Jennifer Lander (2019 -2021), third vice-president Lisa Hernandez (2019-2021), honourary treasurer Roger Gomes (2019-2021), assistant treasurer Cindy Martin-Faustin (2020-2022), honourary secretary Reyah Richardson (2020-2022), assistant secretary Lucy Lee (2019-2021), elected member Garth Baptiste (2020-2022), elected member Ayanna McClean (2020-2022).
"McClean replaces Baptiste on TT Hockey Board executive"