Twenty-one Venezuelans held in Carenage

Twenty-one Venezuelan men were arrested in Smith Hill, Carenage early on Friday morning, police have said.
The group was found in an area near Big Yard at around 3 am by members of the Western Division, the Guard and Emergency Branch and the Canine Unit led by Snr Supt Thompson, Supt Smith ASPs Henry, Baird, Insp Mohammed, Sgts Titt, Franktom and Adams.
When they men were questioned they could not provide their government-issued registration cards.
They were divided into two groups and taken to the Four Roads and West End police stations.
Police said officials from the Immigration Division of the Ministry of National Security were notified and were expected to visit the police stations on Friday afternoon.
Carenage police are continuing enquiries.
"Twenty-one Venezuelans held in Carenage"