Morris-Julian: Computers, internet for all ECCE centres
The Education Ministry plans to outfit all early childhood care and education (ECCE) centres with computers and internet connectivity, minister in the ministry Lisa Morris-Julian said on Wednesday.
Teachers will also be given devices to conduct online classes.
The plans are in keeping with the measures announced by Finance Minister Colm Imbert in Monday's budget, and an initiative which the ministry began in March.
“At the start of the covid19 pandemic all ECCE administrators were provided with laptops to ensure the continuation of teaching and learning," Morris-Julian said in response to Newsday via Whatsapp.
“This facility was later extended to include teachers. Thus far, 70 teachers have already received their devices (laptops) provided by the MoE. In the coming months, laptop distribution will continue to ensure that all teachers are provided with devices.”
She said the ministry has also recognised the need to equip teachers with information and communication technology (ICT) skills and they will continue to receive training.
“The importance of continuous teacher training is to ensure that they can adequately deliver the ECCE curriculum in a developmentally appropriate manner, bearing in mind that screen time at that age is limited.
“We are also focusing on strengthening our learning management system (LMS), developing a resource for both teachers and parents because we are all in this together and will definitely come out for the better as we enter into 2021.”
The LMS is the online learning platform, available at, to assist teachers and students in their virtual education.
"Morris-Julian: Computers, internet for all ECCE centres"