Sinanan plans to work with WASA to bring pothole relief

WORKS and Transport Minister Rohan Sinanan said one of his priority areas will be working with the Water and Sewerage Authority (WASA) on dealing with potholes.
Speaking to Newsday in a phone interview, he said the ministry had a programme over the last five years and this will be continued.
"But we will want to pay more attention to some of the more direct impact projects. (For example) we want to work firstly with WASA to try to bring a lot more relief in terms of the leakage on the roadway which causes potholes.
"So one of the priorities definitely will be working much (more closely) with WASA to bring a lot of relief there."
Sinanan said he would also be looking at short-term relief projects including river-walling. He added the ministry will continue placing an emphasis on the drainage department.
"So while we have the mega-projects ongoing, the focus will definitely be on some the smaller projects that could bring that direct impact."
He said the major highway programme, the ports projects and other projects spoken about during the campaign will continue.
Sinanan said the ministry expected most of the projects to be completed within this term, including the highways from San Fernando to Point Fortin, Cumuto to Manzanilla, Valencia to Toco, and the Moruga Road Rehabilitation Project.
The East-West Corrdior Traffic Alleviation Project, which seeks to remove all traffic lights all the way to Sangre Grande, was also ongoing.
"Sinanan plans to work with WASA to bring pothole relief"