PM on Opposition advice: Thanks but no thanks

The Prime Minister said, when it comes to the covid19 pandemic, he has declined advice from Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar and dismissed some of the UNC's guidance as unsound and impractical.
Speaking at the PNM's virtual campaign meeting on Wednesday Dr Rowley said, in the early stages of the outbreak of the coronavirus in TT, Persad-Bissessar urged him to place a state of emergency on the country, something he said was not sensible.
Referring to remarks where she likened the repatriation process to that of slavery and indentureship, Rowley said, "Now we are being equated with slavemasters and had to listen to the insult that this (repatriation) is worse than slavery.
"An act that was meant to protect your life, that countries around the world are adopting but, in TT, it has to be so presented (by the Opposition).
"I say that so you can know who is offering themselves in alternative leadership in this country...
"Thanks but no thanks."
Rowley said managing TT's affairs was not a popularity contest and he had TT's best interests at heart.
Speaking about Persad-Bissessar, Rowley said, "Political hell has no fury like a failed political leader."
"PM on Opposition advice: Thanks but no thanks"