Kamla on lack of observers: 'Probably a plan to take election illegally'

OPPOSITION Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar suggested the lack of Caricom or Commonwealth observers for the August 10 general election might be part of a PNM ploy to "take" the election. She spoke to Newsday during a motorcade on Tuesday in the marginal constituency of Tunapuna which she visited in support of the UNC candidate David Nakhid.
"I think it is totally irresponsible of the Government not to allow in observers for the democracy of our country."
She said observers had monitored almost every election in TT.
"We saw what happened in Guyana.
"I think Dr Rowley probably has a plan to take the election illegally, undemocratically. We continue to call on the Government to bring in the international observers to ensure transparency in the process band in our democracy."
Newsday asked about her personal safety following reports of death threats to a political leader which one media house said was her.
She said, "I put my life in the hands of the Lord. I put God in front and I walk behind."
UNC deputy leader Khadijah Ameen told Newsday that it was in everyone's interest to protect democracy.
"Dr Rowley seems to be finding excuses not to have observers here. He claimed we can't afford it, that it's too expensive, but of course now people realise that is not true.
"We could have Delcy here (Venezuela Vice President Delcy Rodriguez) and we could have CPL here (Caribbean Premier League) here, but we can't have election observers? Absolutely crazy!"
Nakhid, for his part, thanked Tunapuna constituents for their fantastic turnout in the motorcade and vowed to continue helping them access infrastructure when he is elected.
"Kamla on lack of observers: 'Probably a plan to take election illegally'"