Coping with covid confinement? Learn something new

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It has been just about a month since TT began to experience the effects of restrictions on movement in the effort to prevent the spread of covid19. Most have understood the value of staying home, but are now being challenged by boredom, anxiety and even depression. During this difficult period, many have found a level of comfort in family bonding, while others have been discovering their inner chef, gardener and teacher. Yet others may be missing the fast-paced work environment to which they are accustomed and seeking other ways of keeping engaged.

Understanding the dilemma of keeping one’s spirits up while complying with recommendations for isolation, several organisations internationally have taken the initiative to make content virtually available for free to people across the world. From museums and libraries to business schools and universities, there is an amazing variety of options available via the internet to help you through your covid isolation. If you would like to explore what is available, here is a “starter kit”:

Harvard University is offering 67 online courses free of charge. A sample of these includes introductory short courses to Game Development and Mobile App Development, as well as studies of Contemporary China and even exploration of various religions through their scriptures. For a full listing, go to Altogether, US Ivy League schools have a total of 450 free online courses, many of which are still available, and a simple search of the internet will allow you to capture what is most pertinent.

At a time like this, both employers and employees are grappling with issues of remaining productive and strategies to ensure business continuity. Stating that “Good business skills are crucial in any career,” the social media platform LinkedIn is also doing its part by giving one month’s free access to dozens of professional development courses. Topics such as Time Management – Working From Home, and Productivity Tips – Finding Your Productivity Mindset are particularly relevant. Or you may explore the full list of what is available at Others institutions, such as edX, a US-based online course provider, continues to offer strong leadership training content, while taking a multi-pronged approach to covid19.

As part of our own covid19 response, the TT Chamber would like to invite members of the public to view for free during the month of April, one of our Business Insights (BI) recorded sessions. The BI series comprises over 45 recorded events featuring recognised and respected local business leaders speaking on a wide range of business subjects that relate to TT and the region. This is training for business by business, and whether you are an established member of the corporate community or a micro-entrepreneur, we are sure you will find a topic with which you connect. To get your promo code (valid for one view per email address until April 30) and gain access to our BI On Demand library, you may email


As time goes on, it is easy to be lulled into a sense of safety and feel that our curve has already flattened. The fact is, however, that we do not know as yet when the country will be reopened for business, and we cannot let our guard down. In the meantime, it is important for our workforce to remain as engaged and productive as possible, ready to take on the adjustments and challenges that can be expected in the months ahead. The TT Chamber joins with those who are charged with managing this unprecedented crisis in calling for everyone to avoid taking risks and stay at home. And while you do, make use of the several free offerings to learn and upgrade your skills.

(Content courtesy the TT Chamber of Industry and Commerce)


"Coping with covid confinement? Learn something new"

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