Nine covid19 patients discharged

An additional nine recovered covid19 patients have been discharged, bringing the total number of patients sent home to 37.
In its 10am update on Wednesday, the Ministry of Health reported three patients from the Couva hospital, one from Caura and five from Sangre Grande Centre (Brooklyn) had been discharged.
A total number of 1,425 samples have been submitted to the Caribbean Regional Health Agency (CARPHA) for testing to date. Thes are from 1,195 patients and there have been 230 repeated tests.
The number of confirmed cases remains at 115 and the number of deaths at eight.
No patients are in the Intensive Care Unit or High Dependency Unit, and 23 are ambulatory (walking around).
There are 16 people in the Brooklyn facility and 22 at the Home of Football in Couva, all of whom are low-risk and stable.
"Nine covid19 patients discharged"