EU applauds TT's covid19 measures

In this March 23 file photo passengers line up at the British Airways counter at Piarco International Airport for one of three repatriation flights to the UK. PHOTO BY SUREASH CHOLAI  -
In this March 23 file photo passengers line up at the British Airways counter at Piarco International Airport for one of three repatriation flights to the UK. PHOTO BY SUREASH CHOLAI -

The European Union donated eight million euros to assist the Caribbean in its fight against the covid19 global pandemic as it thanked TT for its handling of the crisis.

In a media release on Friday, the delegation said the proactive and measured steps the country took in dealing with the challenges arising out of the pandemic and the Ministry of Health's preparedness to tackle the virus must be applauded. The delegation added that they stand in solidarity with TT as this country continues to play its part in limiting the spread of the virus and thanked TT for assisting in getting Europeans out of the country even after the borders were closed.

TT was especially thanked for opening its borders on April 8 to allow repatriation flights by Condor to collect Europeans and permanent residents who wished to return home. TT closed its borders to both nationals and non-nationals on March 23.

“Practically all remaining EU, Norwegian, Swiss and British nationals who had expressed the wish and had the ability to be repatriated have travelled home. Special thanks are extended to the resident and non-resident embassies and honorary consuls of the EU member states as well as Norway, Switzerland and Great Britain in assisting their nationals in the repatriation process.”

The delegation said they are ready and willing to support TT and the wider Caribbean region in the covid19 battle and made the donation to the regional Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) to cover urgent needs, including protection material, test reagents, and lab material. To date CARPHA is the only recognised body that tests for covid19. The Health Ministry plans to expand testing through private labs and designated health centres with CARPHA accreditation.


“This support complements the EU contributions to global health initiatives that include the Vaccine Alliance (GAVI), the Global Fund to Fight Aids, tuberculosis, malaria, the Global Financing Facility, and the World Health Organization that will also be directed toward the fight against covid19. The European Commission will also support research on diagnostics, treatment, and prevention of covid19.”


"EU applauds TT’s covid19 measures"

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