Arrive Alive, police: U-Turn system can lessen crime

Sharon Inglefield, head of Arrive Alive.  -
Sharon Inglefield, head of Arrive Alive. -

ARRIVE ALIVE president Sharon Inglefield and the TT Police Service's road safety co-ordinator Brent Batson both say the amendments to the Road Traffic Act, set for proclamation on April 2, will have a positive impact on crime.

Inglefield and Batson were contributed to a recent webinar hosted by the American Chamber of Commerce (Amcham), which focused on ways in which the demerit points system will affect companies.

Though not directly related to the topic, the pair identified ways in which the country stands to benefit in the reduction of crime and the "freeing up" of resources.

"(This includes) freeing up of the Magistrate's Courts from most of the traffic matters and frees up our law enforcement to include the licensing office, traffic wardens and of course the airport authority," said Inglefield.

"It’s very, very important that our police focus on more criminal matters rather than just traffic tickets"

Amendments to the Road Traffic Act will see the new "U-Turn System" in effect, which will support the demerit point, traffic ticketing (fixed penalty) notices and red light enforcement systems.

Drivers will now receive fines and have his licence suspended or revoked after an accumulation of points for varying traffic offences.

There are point penalties for dozens of offences, which previously would have carried only a fine and in some cases, imprisonment.

Inglefield said the focus on the quality of vehicles on the read and its associated penalties is crucial.

"The road worthiness of vehicles is very very important to Arrive Alive," she said.

"You see the number of vehicles on our road burning after a mere collision, (in) what should be a less serious collision."

Meanwhile, Batson said the changes will see increase in the detection of and ultimately the reduction of stolen vehicles, with the introduction of a real-time system to check a driver's permit.

He said he is starting to see a shifting trend, where much of the public is heeding to government's warning.

"(A) change a culture isn't done overnight but we have a change from Carnival time, when people were designating drivers and hired buses to go to Carnival fetes. These are positive signs where people are choosing safer behaviours.

He said there is normally some push back from the public when new laws are introduces and fined increased.

"Same thing that's going to happen...When the speed guns came out, everyone was like, 'oh gosh, why y'all doing this to us. The government just want my money,' and then people started to comply. Again, because its of public benefit. You can't be against that, trying to save lives.


"Arrive Alive, police: U-Turn system can lessen crime"

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