Pos play parks closed, markets stay open

Port of Spain mayor Joel Martinez 
Port of Spain mayor Joel Martinez PHOTO BY ANGELO M MARCELLE -

The Port of Spain Central Market and St James market will remain open under strict management, given their essential nature, while some public spaces, including squares and play parks, will be off-limits, the city mayor Joel Martinez has announced.

Those were among the highlights of an eight-point strategy revealed at the Port of Spain City Corporation at City Hall, Port of Spain, on Tuesday, in response to the covid19 threat.

Martinez said he and members of council and administration adopted the strategy in line with policy decisions by Cabinet.

The strategy is largely about sanitising the city.

The corporation’s plan did not cater for the city’s homeless population, who are both vulnerable to the virus and can potentially spread it.

“(The corporation) endeavours to sanitise all public spaces and so we encourage persons to limit their gathering at parks and squares,” Martinez said.

He added that those with exercise equipment, such as Nelson Mandela Park in St Clair, will be closed until further notice.

Popular areas for foot traffic, like the Brian Lara Promenade and the pitch walk around the Queen’s Park Savannah, have been identified as areas of particular focus for sanitisation.

He said the corporation has implemented additional measures including social intervention in support of the elderly, strengthening personnel and protective equipment, and distributing educational paraphernalia and announcements in communities.

While markets remain open, customers are required to comply with police and public health officials’ directives.

“With respect to safety,” Martinez said, “customers are urged to shop with haste and practise social distancing.”

However, Martinez echoed the prime minister and health minister’s advice to practise social distancing in front of his colleagues on the council and others, who were seated tightly together, and none of whom played a part in the media conference.

He also said the corporation has taken the necessary measures to increase the safety of its workers, yet there was a noticeable lack of hand sanitiser throughout City Hall – another matter he said is being addressed.

In response to questions about the situation of the homeless in the city, especially with their vulnerability to covid19 and potential to spread the virus, Martinez said, “No one is left out in a circumstance like this.

“We just have not been given any affiliate instructions as to what we will do with the homeless.” He added, however, that he is in contact with the Ministry of Social Development on the issue.

He said the instructions are subject to change in keeping with guidelines issued by central government.


"Pos play parks closed, markets stay open"

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