TT told to use personal protective equipment stocks wisely

It makes no sense issue personal protective equipment (PPE) to medical staff through the system because this could lead in a shortage if there is an outbreak of covid19 in TT.
Health Minister Terrence Deyalsingh said on Wednesday said since the outbreak of the virus there has been a disruption of distribution of medical equipment throughout the world. He said there is an adequate supply of PPE for medical staff should the need arise, with more scheduled to arrive during this month.
Deyalsingh said as a signatory and financial member of the PAHO/WHO, this country has access to PAHO’s strategic stock of emergency PPE in Panama, which can be rushed to TT in 48 hours, if required.
He said China since is a major manufacturer for almost everything for every manufacturing process in every country of the world, he has asked the National Insurance Property Development Co Ltd (Nipdec) since January to do an audit of everything that TT got from China, or that we depended on input from China.
"To that end the CMO will be having a meeting Friday with the Chamber of Commerce and Nipdec to try to predict what stocks may be affected, and what shortage of stocks we need to look at what they have been doing behind the scenes for the past month or so.
"There is absolutely no risk of running out of PPE or emergency medication. We will be monitoring our stocks, holding our stocks close to our chest and we will make all of this available when needed, as needed, at the soonest possible time."
N95 face masks 19,680 (from initial delivery of 25,600) 100,000/ALLOCATED 24,400 March 18, 2020
Face mask medium 12,100 Awaiting eta on 25,000
Gloves (Sterile) 855,060
Gloves non sterile 17 million
Shoe covers 227,100
Isolation Gowns
(plastic with lining) 313,000
Gowns sterile
for surgeons 19,000
"TT told to use personal protective equipment stocks wisely"