SoE idea very bad strategy
THE EDITOR: The idea of a limited state of emergency because of the spike in crime is brain-dead advice. The so-called hot spots are already under close 24-7 police surveillance.
There are normal working families with children living in these areas. Traumatising the innocent children into fearing the police makes little sense. Children suffer the most when there are raids.
The hot spots usually identified are all situated in north Trinidad. There are very happy hot spots in central and south Trinidad, as the police will tell you.
There are so many contending reasons for crime explosions that expecting an SoE in limited areas to be of long-term use is utter nonsense.
What is crime in the TT context? Is it a crime when the supermarkets raise prices immediately there is an increase in the wage of hourly paid workers?
Is it a crime when a wealthy, prominent family says it has done nothing wrong by further enriching itself regardless of rules and regulations about buying and selling shares?
How can one differentiate between thievery and tiefing? The pronunciation? The spelling?
Let us all be realistic. The police need to raid anywhere and everywhere at very short notice.
Diego Martin
"SoE idea very bad strategy"