Live Blog: BUDGET 2020

The 2020 Budget will be read in Parliament by Finance Minister Colm Imbert at 1.30 pm. Join us for live coverage and updates with reactions from citizens, analysts, economists, and other stakeholders.
Use the hashtag #ttbudget2020 to join the discussion.
Naparima MP Rodney Charles attempts to intervene and is shouted down with "Great is the PNM." Speaker quips to him "I almost thought you were joining the chorus," likely a reference to a flub he made at a meeting accidentally endorsing the PNM. #ttbudget2020 @Newsday_TT
— julien neaves (@redmanwriter) October 7, 2019
#ttbudget2020 statement presentation is nearing 3 and a half hours. @Newsday_TT
— Elizabeth Gonzales (@Gonzales5100) October 7, 2019
Styrofoam and plastics: eliminate use within national economy. Ban for styrofoam in food industry and additives necessary to disintegrate product. No single use plastic bottles in government offices. Starting January 1. @Newsday_TT #TTBudget2020
— Carla Bridglal (@CarlaBridglal) October 7, 2019
$3 billion worth of interest-bearing government bonds for eligible businesses to meet their VAT refund arrears. Then VAT refunds will be put on a current basis. #ttbudget2020 @Newsday_TT
— julien neaves (@redmanwriter) October 7, 2019
No taxes for registered farmers. @Newsday_TT #TTBudget2020
— Carla Bridglal (@CarlaBridglal) October 7, 2019
Wages for CEPEP and URP workers up 15 percent, CEPEP contractor fees also up 15 per cent by December 1 @Newsday_TT #TTBudget2020
— Carla Bridglal (@CarlaBridglal) October 7, 2019
Finance Minister says tax credit for energy companies to be increased from 20 per cent to 25 per cent by January 2020. #ttbudget2020 @Newsday_TT
— julien neaves (@redmanwriter) October 7, 2019
Minimum wage increased from $15 to $17.50 per hour and will affect 194,000 people in the workforce. Effective from December 1 @Newsday_TT #TTBudget2020
— Carla Bridglal (@CarlaBridglal) October 7, 2019
Removal of all taxes and duties on LED bulbs for five years. Solar water heating tax credit increased from 25% to 100% up to $10,000 @Newsday_TT #TTBudget2020
— Carla Bridglal (@CarlaBridglal) October 7, 2019
Life certificates for pensioners in possession of computerized birth certificates (the ones with a PIN) will no longer be required. Nationals receiving a government pension who reside abroad will still be required to produce life certificates. @Newsday_TT #TTBudget2020
— Carla Bridglal (@CarlaBridglal) October 7, 2019
Expenditure for education and training highest allocation at $7.548 billion, then national security at 6
$6.440 billion and health at $6.084 billion. #ttbudget2020 @Newsday_TT— julien neaves (@redmanwriter) October 7, 2019
Education gets the biggest allocation followed by National Security @Newsday_TT #TTBudget2020
— Carla Bridglal (@CarlaBridglal) October 7, 2019
Revenue estimates held steady from the mid-year budget review, predicated in an oil price of US$60 and gas price of US$3. Revenue projected to be TT$47.8 and expenditure TT$53b. Deficit of TT$5.3b @Newsday_TT #TTBudget2020
— Carla Bridglal (@CarlaBridglal) October 7, 2019
Finance Minister says Tobago budget allocation is 2.283 billion or 4.3 per cent of budget. Bill for internal self-government in first quarter of 2020. THA Chief Secretary Kelvin Charles pictured below. #ttbudget2020 @Newsday_TT
— julien neaves (@redmanwriter) October 7, 2019
Now on the the good stuff: the Finance Minister is about to give the revenue and expenditure estimates for the #TTBudget2020 @Newsday_TT
— Carla Bridglal (@CarlaBridglal) October 7, 2019
For the first time in history the Government has allowed Tobago to borrow via bond financing $300 million for development. #ttbudget2020 @Newsday_TT
— Elizabeth Gonzales (@Gonzales5100) October 7, 2019
Finance Minister says from Jan-May 2019 there was a 40 per cent increase in arrivals to Tobago compared to the same period in 2018. #ttbudget2020 @Newsday_TT
— julien neaves (@redmanwriter) October 7, 2019
A new state-of-the-art police training academy, tablets, drones, dashboard cameras, drug testing equipment among others to transform TTPS and combat crime. #ttbudget2020 @Newsday_TT
— Elizabeth Gonzales (@Gonzales5100) October 7, 2019
Finance Minister says July 2019 data shows the majority of violent crimes are at a lower rate (presumbaly compared to last year) except murder which is regrettably at the same rate as 2018. He said 3,000 misguided citizens continue to terrorise people. #ttbudget2020 @Newsday_TT
— julien neaves (@redmanwriter) October 7, 2019
Shelters for homeless females displaced by family conflict and other issues will be established by the HDC with support of the business community. They will be at specific locations and will house women on a temporary basis. (No timeline given) #ttbudget2020 @Newsday_TT
— julien neaves (@redmanwriter) October 7, 2019
When it comes to sports, the finance minister congratulated the athletes who represented us at the 2019 Pan American Games and IAAF World Championships, and said work is being done at some of the major stadiums. Yup. That's it. @Newsday_TT #ttbudget2020
— Narissa Fraser (@rhopico) October 7, 2019
The Finance Minister has proposed day-care centres for children under 3 to make it easier for lower income women to work by making it easier for them to find childcare, as well as homeless shelters for displaced women. @Newsday_TT #TTBudget2020
— Carla Bridglal (@CarlaBridglal) October 7, 2019
Finance Minister says Point Fortin Hospital to be commissioned in January 2020 at a cost of $1.26 billion. #ttbudget2020 @Newsday_TT
— julien neaves (@redmanwriter) October 7, 2019
Within three months a new housing programme will give the public the chance to own a new three bedroom home for $500, 000. The homes will be built by small contractors using drawings from HDC. #ttbudget2020 @Newsday_TT
— Elizabeth Gonzales (@Gonzales5100) October 7, 2019
Finance Minister says flood relief for fiscal 2019 was $138.4 million. #ttbudget2020 @Newsday_TT
— julien neaves (@redmanwriter) October 7, 2019
New health centre for Diamond Vale, Diego Martin by October 2020 at a cost of $8.6 million. #ttbudget2020 @Newsday_TT
— julien neaves (@redmanwriter) October 7, 2019
Finance Minister says Point Fortin Hospital to be commissioned in January 2020 at a cost of $1.26 billion. #ttbudget2020 @Newsday_TT
— julien neaves (@redmanwriter) October 7, 2019
Housing loan initiative of guaranteed low-interest loans of $300,000 to people seeking to build their own homes is to be launched. #ttbudget2020 @Newsday_TT
— julien neaves (@redmanwriter) October 7, 2019
Finance Minister says all housing initiatives cannot make a serious dent in the 175,000 applicants at HDC. He said it would take decades to meet the public demand for housing. #ttbudget2020 @Newsday_TT
— julien neaves (@redmanwriter) October 7, 2019
Finance Minister announces new housing bond and HDC is looking at 6,000 units by December 2020 and 3,000 per annum thereafter. #ttbudget2020 @Newsday_TT
— julien neaves (@redmanwriter) October 7, 2019
Government has received a bid from a contractor for the expansion of the ANR Robinson International Airport. Negotiations to begin soon. Meanwhile upgrade works will commence in two months. #ttbudget2020 @Newsday_TT
— Elizabeth Gonzales (@Gonzales5100) October 7, 2019
The cellphone of Caroni Central MP Dr Bhoe Tewarie goes off during the Finance Minister's budget presentation. Tewarie immediately exited the chamber and the Speaker admonished members for "steupsing" (sucking teeth in expression of disgust). #ttbudget2020 @Newsday_TT
— julien neaves (@redmanwriter) October 7, 2019
Finance Minister says national review on wildlife conservation and hunting completed and a suite of legislation is planned. #ttbudget2020 @Newsday_TT
— julien neaves (@redmanwriter) October 7, 2019
Toco port between Tobago and east Trinidad will cost $750 million and should be completed in 2022. #ttbudget2020 @Newsday_TT
— Elizabeth Gonzales (@Gonzales5100) October 7, 2019
Government will undertake a programme to remove of all antiquated incandescent bulbs in the 400k households in TT as aphblic service and a “major boost” to energy conservation. #TTBudget2020 @Newsday_TT
— Carla Bridglal (@CarlaBridglal) October 7, 2019
New Carenage Police Station and Police Admin building to be completed in 2020. #TTBudget2020
— Kalifa Sarah Clyne (@kalifasclyne) October 7, 2019
Finance Minister says natural gas production is steadily increasing and will be 3.8 billion scf in 2019, closer to the peak demand of 3.9 billion. #ttbudget2020 @Newsday_TT
— julien neaves (@redmanwriter) October 7, 2019
Oil production expected to increase to 59, 200 barrels by 2020 #ttbudget2020 @Newsday_TT
— Elizabeth Gonzales (@Gonzales5100) October 7, 2019
BPTT has made $1 billion in legacy payments in 2019, while Shell has made a $1.9 billion payment for royalty arrears and legacy payments. @Newsday_TT #TTBudget2020
— Carla Bridglal (@CarlaBridglal) October 7, 2019
Finance Minister says Govt is happy a company owned by the OWTU and the only local bidder won the bid for the former Petrotrin refinery. Restart of the refinery will benefit fence-line communities in Marabella, Pointe-a-Pierre and Gasparillo. #ttbudget2020 @Newsday_TT
— julien neaves (@redmanwriter) October 7, 2019
In January 2020, Parliament will return to Red House. #TTBudget2020
— Kalifa Sarah Clyne (@kalifasclyne) October 7, 2019
Parking metre system for Port of Spain and San Fernando in 2020. With new systems such as red light cameras, traffic violations will lead to the suspension of licences. New licence plate system in 2020 to remove illegal plates. #ttbudget2020 @Newsday_TT
— julien neaves (@redmanwriter) October 7, 2019
#TTBudget2020 Coastal protection work is ongoing across TT. Government is receiving technical assistance for rehabilitation of coastlines.
— Kalifa Sarah Clyne (@kalifasclyne) October 7, 2019
Finance Minister says the cost of the Curepe Interchange project is $221.6m, less than half of the projected cost under the previous administration. Estimated completion in March 2020. #ttbudget2020 @Newsday_TT
— julien neaves (@redmanwriter) October 7, 2019
The Solomon Hochoy Highway to Point Fortin is scheduled to be completed at the end of 2020. #TTBudget2020
— Kalifa Sarah Clyne (@kalifasclyne) October 7, 2019
The Solomon Hochoy Highway to Point Fortin is scheduled to be completed at the end of 2020. #TTBudget2020
— Kalifa Sarah Clyne (@kalifasclyne) October 7, 2019
The National Investment Fund has to date paid out $224m in dividends. Second NIF to come next year through sale of certain Clico assets worth $2.6b #ttbudget2020 @Newsday_TT
— Carla Bridglal (@CarlaBridglal) October 7, 2019
Finance Minister, speaking on property tax, says a total of 60,000 valuation return forms for residential properties have been collected out of a target of 250,000. #ttbudget2020 @Newsday_TT
— julien neaves (@redmanwriter) October 7, 2019
2.4 billion additional revenue from the three and a half month 2019 tax amesty. The largest ever collected. #ttbudget2020 @Newsday_TT
— Elizabeth Gonzales (@Gonzales5100) October 7, 2019
The most recent tax amnesty netted $2.382b (from July-Sept), almost five times of the estimated $500m. “We were surprised but not necessarily shocked,” said Finance Minister @ImbertColm. It’s the largest ever in TT, he said. @Newsday_TT #TTBudget2020
— Carla Bridglal (@CarlaBridglal) October 7, 2019
Finance Minister says energy revenues are set to increase incrementally from $16.23 billion in 2020 to $19.53 billion in 2022. #ttbudget2020 @Newsday_TT
— julien neaves (@redmanwriter) October 7, 2019
October 2018-September 2019 sales of forex to the public of US $ 6.0 billion was 11.4 per cent higher than what was sold for the same period for the previous year. @Newsday_TT #ttbudget2020
— Elizabeth Gonzales (@Gonzales5100) October 7, 2019
Productivity across sectors increased by 6 per cent over 2019 #TTBudget2020 @Newsday_TT
— Carla Bridglal (@CarlaBridglal) October 7, 2019
Finance Minister said TT's inflation rate is now amongst the lowest in the world. #TTBudget2020 @Newsday_TT
— julien neaves (@redmanwriter) October 7, 2019
Revised estimates for 2019: expenditure: $50.5b; revenue: $46.6b; deficit: $4b #TTBudget2020 @Newsday_TT
— Carla Bridglal (@CarlaBridglal) October 7, 2019
Finance Minister says revised 2019 fiscal accounts shows economy is moving in the direction of fiscal stability. #ttbudget2020 @Newsday_TT
— julien neaves (@redmanwriter) October 7, 2019
TT has not escaped the negative impact of global slowdown, including Flat growth in 2018, but stabilizing in the second half of the year, the finance minister said. #ttbudget2020 @Newsday_TT
— Carla Bridglal (@CarlaBridglal) October 7, 2019
The theme of this year’s #ttbudget2020 is “Stability, strength and growth” @Newsday_TT
— Carla Bridglal (@CarlaBridglal) October 7, 2019
Finance Minister Colm Imbert says Government had to right irresponsible and reckless policies by the previous administration. #ttbudget2020 @Newsday_TT
— julien neaves (@redmanwriter) October 7, 2019
Swmcol employees protests outside of the Parliament building ahead of the #ttbudget2020 reading.
The presentation begins at 1.30 pm.Photo by Sureash Cholai.
— T&T Newsday (@Newsday_TT) October 7, 2019
As Minister of Finance, I will deliver the 2020 Budget Statement at 1:30 pm in the House of Representatives today. The presentation will be carried live on several TV and radio stations
— Colm Imbert (@ImbertColm) October 7, 2019
$2.382BN In tax revenues collected ? #TTBudget2020
— husslenomic (@hussle_nomic) October 7, 2019
Still waiting for the feel good in this feel good budget
— Name Cannot be Blank (@JeremyHalfbreed) October 7, 2019
"Live Blog: BUDGET 2020"