PM commended for terminating housing contract

Glenn Mahabirsingh, president of the Contractors Association.
Glenn Mahabirsingh, president of the Contractors Association.

Glenn Mahabirsingh, president of the TT Contractors Association (TTCA), today acknowledged the Prime Minister for taking action to terminate a contract with a Chinese company to build substantial public housing.

Speaking to the media after the TT Manufacturers’ Association’s pre-budget panel discussion, at the HIlton Trinidad, St Ann’s, Mahabirsingh said the association is preparing a letter to take to the Housing Development Corporation (HDC) to offer a redrafting of a new tender.

In June, Housing Minister Edmund Dillon said the HDC contracted the China Gezhouba Group International Engineering Co Ltd to build 5,000 housing units across TT, including 235 units at Lady Hailes Avenue in San Fernando, and 204 at South Quay in Port of Spain.

Mahabirsingh said local contractors have always shown and expressed an interest in providing housing.

He said the association always has discussions with the HDC and awaits further discussions with the corporation .


“We are waiting to see how it will go forward, and we will take it one step at a time.

"We commend the PM for taking a decisive action in terms of being aware and taking the steps that he took. We want to congratulate him on that decisive decision.”


"PM commended for terminating housing contract"

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