No school for Carapichaima Anglican Primary

Two months after being promised buses, students of Carapichaima Anglican Primary were left stranded as the buses did not show up according to public relations officer of the school's PTA Calisha Harry.
In an interview with Newsday on Monday, Harry said the school was deemed uninhabitable and the students were relocated to California Government Primary School.
Harry said tents were also promised by the Ministry of Education for the students to wait under, "It was never provided," Harry said.
She said there were students gathered at the school’s compound from as early as 6.30 am to be taken to the other school.
“Students and parents sat and waited in vain. They were only informed after 9 am today (yesterday) that the PTSC’s buses were unable to transport students and they had to be sent home.
“The parents were left confused and frustrated as some of them had to see their children off before they could go to work.”
"No school for Carapichaima Anglican Primary"