NUGFW: Election back to original date

JAMES Lambert, president general of the National Union of Government and Federated Workers (NUGFW) encouraged members of the union not to be dismayed or worried about the union’s handling of its election.
NUGFW elections normally take place every four years on the last Monday of October. An election is due this year.
However, at a press conference on Monday, Lambert said owing to increasing pressure and all current problems plaguing the union, it was decided to hold the elections earlier than usual. But, he said, contrary to what people have been speculating, no changes were made to the constitution in order to hold an early election.
Lawyers from Hove and Associates sent Lambert a pre-action protocol letter on behalf of Team Shield (a group contesting the elections) saying that moving the election date was unconstitutional.
Lambert said it was not, since according to rule 14:15 the national general council can postpone any election for any reason, and the council had unanimously accepted the new date of the election, which was supposed to on Monday, July 8.
But after consulting its lawyers the executive decided to revert the election to the original date, October 28. Lambert said he was sad to see so many “thousands of dollars” being put into moving the election go to waste.
He did not give exact figures, even when asked.
"NUGFW: Election back to original date"