Young corrects Mark

NATIONAL Security Minister Stuart Young yesterday corrected UNC Senator Wade Mark on the standing of TT in the US Department of State’s report on Trafficking in Persons on this country’s Tier 2 Level rating.
During the Urgent Questions section in the Lower House yesterday, Mark asked Young what measures were being taken to improve TT’s rating as the report stated that TT has not met the minimum standards for elimination of human trafficking.
However, Young said this assessment was inaccurate. “It is wholly incorrect for anyone who has read the US Department TIPS report to state that the US State Department has said that TT has not met the minimum standards.
“In fact, they said the contrary. The US has congratulated TT for making significant progress in some areas. They have said we still have progress to make in other areas and they continue to encourage us.”
Mark was then denied his question by Senate President Christine Kangaloo when he asked Young to say whether any Government officials were complicit regarding human trafficking.
Young did say that the US Department official report “said nothing about Government officials being involved. It made certain allegations about persons in Immigration and the TT Police Service who are subject to investigations.”
Young added that “screening” was an unfortunate choice of word when Mark asked what steps were being taken to improve the screening process of trafficking victims.
“Any victim of human trafficking is not going to be subject by this administration to screening process until after we have made sure they are properly looked after, they have received the necessary assistance, including psychological assistance, and put in a safe environment.”
"Young corrects Mark"