Griffith: No V'zuelan turned away

Police Commissioner Gary Griffith says no Venezuelan migrant was turned away from being registered at centres on Friday after the 5 pm deadline. There were reports that Venezuelans were left in tears in Tobago after they were initially told that no more people would be registered.
However, the CoP said all who wanted to be registered had the opportunity to do so. He said those who were already in line before the deadline were given numbers along with their registration numbers which gave them access to be registered this morning.
"Anyone who wanted to be registered had the opportunity to do so, so anyone who is not registered, they did not want to do so and did not utilise the opportunity."
Griffith said those who did not pass the registration process would be dealt with on a case by case basis. He said any Venezuelan who did not have the document that gave them amnesty for one year, based on TT's laws, are illegal and will be treated as such.
In a release today, the National Security Ministry said Venezuelans were relocated to Port Mall, Scarborough from the registration centre at Caroline Building without authorisation and Minister Stuart Young ordered that the migrants be registered today. The ministry also disclosed that registration in San Fernando and Port of Spain ended at about 1.45 am.
"Griffith: No V’zuelan turned away"