Kamla: TT being invaded

OPPOSITION Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar says TT is being invaded by migrants and she predicts the impact of the Venezuelan migration to be very severe and all aspects of TT society would be affected. She made the claims earlier today outside of Parliament.
"Everyday more people are landing on our shores. We should lock down our borders immediately," she said.
Although migrant registration is due to end today, Persad-Bissessar said "After today I am sure a lot more people are going to be coming in because our borders are wide open."
Anti-government protesters, led by Kia Hosein, Winston Ragoo and Andy Williams were also outside the parliament tower. Though the protesters applauded Persad-Bissessar when she arrived, and booed Government ministers, they did not describe themselves as UNC-affiliated or politically motivated.
Hosein told Newsday "The plan today is to bring down the government," and once that goal is achieved, "whoever the people of TT elect is who will take office."
Persad-Bissessar said to solve the border problem the Government needs to work with the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) and put together a comprehensive refugee policy.
"The Prime Minister is saying right now that he doesn't want any international agencies involved nor does he want any help from the outside," she added.
"He is totally wrong, Trinidad is a very small country and this invasion is going to impact TT tremendously on all aspects of life."
Minister Fitzgerald Hinds also spoke to Newsday before entering Parliament. He described the anti-government protest as UNC organised and said today it would be business as usual for government.
"Kamla: TT being invaded"