Haynes: Govt fails to address V’zuelan refugee crisis
OPPOSITION Senator Anita Haynes says Government has failed to address the Venezuelan humanitarian and refugee crisis. She was speaking yesterday as she sought to move the adjournment of the Senate on a definite matter of urgent public importance.
“The matter is definite because it deals specifically with the thousands of Venezuelans already residing in and still arriving unchecked into TT. Additionally, the Government has failed to recognise the massive influx of persons as a humanitarian crisis and has not triggered the process for international donor agencies to assist in the provision of basic services.
“The matter is urgent because despite the Government’s assertion of increased border security, TT’s borders remain more porous than ever. This has resulted in thousands of persons entering undocumented while the various State agencies are inadequately prepared for the influx.”
She said the matter was of public importance because the unregulated arrival of Venezuelans, coupled with the government’s failure to implement a proper refugee policy, had placed the population in a state of confusion and concern over issues such as increased criminal activity, health-related issues and resource allocation constraints.
The matter, however, was not accepted by Senate President Christine Kangaloo under Standing Order 16.
"Haynes: Govt fails to address V’zuelan refugee crisis"