Raise legal drinking age

THE EDITOR: Studies on teens have shown that alcohol has a compound effect on the brains of said individuals.

Physical maturity of the brain and nervous system does not occur until 25. Keep that figure in mind.

The impact of alcohol on a developing brain is far more acute than on a mature one. The risk of addiction is far greater.

When we raise the legal drinking age we prevent addiction. Look at the harsh realities of young alcohol drinkers in TT – fatal traffic accidents, injuries from violence, even suicide.

Why the rush to drink, TT? Who benefits? Being an alcohol drinker at a young age does not make you an adult. Enjoy your early years. Life is not running away.


A hangover is not a great feeling. Believe you me, I know. Alcohol does not taste good.

Missing a day at work because of alcohol is not what TT wants its young people to aspire to. Is youth wasted on the young?

I suggest the legal drinking age be 25 in TT. Many will curse me now but will be alive to thank me later.

AV RAMPERSAD, Princes Town


"Raise legal drinking age"

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