Communications ministry praises new authors for diligence
FORTY-NINE first-time writers were celebrated on Wednesday at the National Library.
Nataki Atiba-Dilchan, permanent secretary of the Ministry of Communications, gave the feature address at the Tenth Annual First Time Authors programme, held at the library by the National Library and Information System Authority (NALIS).
“In this digital and technological age," she said, "where too many things come to us without much output on our part, we are losing our ability to discern quality, to recognise things of real value and to truly appreciate the depth of satisfaction that is derived from having faced obstacles and conquered. But certainly, our awardees this morning have not chosen the easy way, and we are here today to congratulate and celebrate their valuable and worthy effort.
“Today we give recognition to 49 new authors who are providing material for our exploration.”
Atiba-Dilchan said, through the medium of writing, people were able to express their thoughts and communicate them sometimes more effectively to others. “I am certain a few of our authors in this audience have reasons and passions which have led them to produce the works that we are celebrating today.”
She mentioned some of the book titles that she said tickled her interest, such as: Gardening in Trinidad and Tobago, Authentic Joy, Polish Legacies in Trinidad and Tobago, Sensual Fantasy: Four Seasons to Love and Dream it, Own it.
She advised the new authors to protect their work, saying: “While copyright protection is inherent in original intellectual works in TT, the collection and management of royalties etc, for their use is not as easy. Therefore, I will encourage our new authors to have discussions with our local copyright organisations and the TTIPO
(The Intellectual Property Office of TT
) as you advance your literary careers.”
Atiba-Dilchan complimented the authors “for being 49 sterling exemplars of diligence in a world of ‘the quick and easy.’”
Earlier, Catherine Romain, executive director of Nalis, said in the ten years of the authors' appreciation programme, some 340 authors had been celebrated, including the 49 celebrated on Wednesday.
She said, “The project is an important one for Nalis, given our mandate to preserve our national heritage information and to promote literacy. The books are sources of empowerment and records of our nation’s history, and history through your eyes.”
She said the programme had grown in popularity over the years, and writers who lived abroad returned home specifically for the event.
“There is an increase in the number of persons publishing, and not only publishing, but ensuring that they publish in time to be part of this programme,” said Romain, adding that the increase was encouraging to Nalis.
She closed by saying to the new authors: “Whether fact or fiction, your works contribute to the literacy landscape and enrich the literature of the world. We applaud your effort and congratulate each and every one of you. You are examples of ‘sticktoitiveness,’ because as we know it would not have been an easy road for you. So we really applaud you.”
Helen Johnson, director of the Heritage Library Division, said the programme was one of Nalis’ flagship events, and thanked the authors for not giving up, Guest entertainer Trini Vanguard (Delano Gabriel) sang his own song of the same name.
All guests were then led to the rotunda of the National Library, where a ribbon was cut to open the First-Time Authors’ 2019 Appreciation Exhibition.
"Communications ministry praises new authors for diligence"