Tobago SEA students ready

A total of 933 students in Tobago are expected to write today’s Secondary Entrance Assessment (SEA) examination.

Of that figure, 464 are boys while 469 are girls, the Communications, Events and Marketing Unit, Division of Education, Innovation and Energy, said yesterday in a statement. The division is led by Tobago House of Assembly Chief Secretary Kelvin Charles.

Charles, who visited several schools in his electoral district of Black Rock/Whim/Spring Garden on Monday, said he felt “compelled to provide a level of reassurance, calm and confidence” to the 933 students writing today’s examination. Charles said he was also pleased with the dedication shown by the island’s SEA teachers.

“I am also satisfied with the support and care provided to the 464 boys and 469 girls by their parents, guardians and other family members.”

In his message, Charles urged the students to do their best.


“Read each question carefully, and work diligently to achieve your best possible score. Be reminded that Tobago has secondary school places in pristine physical environments to accommodate all students who are writing the SEA.He told the students the THA and all of Tobago stood behind them with prayers, positive thoughts and wishes.


"Tobago SEA students ready"

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