Slay your inner bully

Bullies can be found everywhere, even within ourselves.
Jennifer Slay, a London-based social worker and her associate, entrepreneur and business growth expert Jennifer Jimbere, will host the Slay Your Inner Bully online programme, which was created to help people improve their ability to manage their inner critic.
“The inner critic, or inner bully as we like to call it, can be a powerful entity to deal with if we let it. If given the opportunity, the bully can prevent us from living a fulfilled, happy, and satisfied life. The Slay Your Inner Bully programme is one where you are supported to become more aware of your thoughts, choices, and words that you say to others as well as to yourself,” Slay told WMN. She said it was built using the principles of emotional intelligence – how you show up and manage the world around you, positive psychology – how you think of the world around you, and the Extended DiSC behavioural assessment tools – why you act and communicate the way you do.
The six-week programme specifically targets women ages 35 to 55. It begins on February 6 and will be conducted via video conferencing platform Zoom.
A certified life coach, motivational speaker and author, Slay was chosen as one of the recipients of the Queen Elizabeth the II Diamond Jubilee medal in 2013 for her community work and also as one of Canada’s women of confidence in the national publication, Chatelaine magazine. She said she has combined her education and experiences to create workshops, online programmes and various speeches that pull the best from her clients and audience to support them to overcome their fears and experience ultimate personal success. Jimbere, a mother of two teenaged boys, is a recognised authority on change management, profitability, and organisational turnaround. She has been recognised as an Influence Magazine 100 Authority.
Slay told WMN, “I enjoy learning and sharing knowledge. I believe in providing tools for self-empowerment and provide different strategies to help achieve goals. I love the quote ‘Give a man a fish he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime’. This makes sense to me and I live my life that way.”
The single mother of three said she and Jimbere, international best-selling co-author of the Dream Boldly I Dare You series, are the Thrive Experts team whose goal is to “help individuals live their lives better than good”.
“Both Jennifer and I have our separate businesses, but felt that if we combined our expertise, we would be able to create some great programmes that could really support people in their life journey. Together, we have collaborated to create the Slay Your Inner Bully programme as well as Emotional Intelligence workshops for businesses.”
She defines self-bullying as intimidating ourselves with negative messages. “The brain will naturally try to protect us from taking a risk in an effort to protect us, but sometimes, because of past experiences, negative messaging, and the manner in which we are taught to process information, we can allow that inner critic (bully) to have an overpowering voice. When that voice intimidates us enough to not move forward in our lives – that is self-bullying.” The programme is designed to counteract that.
She said participants will be taken through an exercise of self-reflection using the tools to build emotional intelligence, learn concepts of positive psychology and be assessed using the DiSC behavioural assessment programme. “The Slay Your Inner Bully programme has a keynote, six-week programme and upcoming book. Past participants have advised that their lives have been forever changed thanks to this programme and rave about the changes they have made to empower themselves to higher levels.”
Participants will receive two one-on-one 60-minute sessions with Slay, six live, 60-minute group calls with Slay and Jimbere, a 60-minute review of their DiSC assessment report with Jimbere, extended individualised DiSC Behavioural Assessment, a Slay Your Inner Bully workbook, a Finesse Your Life journal, a Finesse Your Life book, and an online support group specifically for individuals who are serious about creating positive change and quieting the inner voice that shows up when they need to take action.
The Thrive Experts team say they will employ strategies that will cater to the needs of individual participants. “We are very aware and can appreciate that everyone has their best way to learn/learning style. We will be using strategies such as story-telling, using assessments, meeting with participants one-on-one via zoom meetings, using Power Point, video, and meditation throughout the life of the course. Each week the registrants are given homework and are accountable to themselves and the group to have it completed by the next class. Throughout the six weeks, participants will receive support through a private Facebook group and they will receive three emails per week to encourage, motivate and educate. There is also follow up at the end of the course.” Slay and Jimbere are available for consultation up to six months after the course; while participants have continual access to the Facebook group. And if people need further guidance, Slay said both she and Jimbere have programmes within their respective businesses to support the participants.
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"Slay your inner bully"