Valuable data from PM
THE EDITOR: The television address by Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley was a welcome intervention. His detailed presentation of valuable data has certainly put some well needed perspective on what was the chain of events that led to our current circumstances.
While many may have been aware of some of the information presented, the majority of the public would have benefitted tremendously from the evaluation of valuable data that contained facts, figures, projects, plans and projections.
The PM’s decision to make this information “our business” is commendable. It certainly offered a mechanism that we as taxpayers were able to evaluate the various ways that our tax dollars have been utilised over the last ten years. Part of the history of government borrowing and spending prior to 2015 was certainly alarming and may be considered to be irresponsible at best.
It is reasonable to conclude that the Government’s plan going forward is realistic, attainable and sustainable. However, it can only be realised if we continue to have sound, transparent management in government affairs, which the Prime Minister has now made our business.
Now that we are involved, and are aware of the details of the task ahead, as citizens we must be active participants. It is important that we monitor the Government’s progress and do what we can, on a personal level, to ensure that our quality of life continues to improve, both socially and economically.
ARNOLD CORNEAL, Maracas Valley
"Valuable data from PM"