ExportTT to train 11 business operators

Eleven Tobago businesses are to benefit from a Memorandum of Understanding signed between the Division of Community Development and ExporTT Limited last Friday to create opportunities for export of goods.
Chairman of ExporTT, Ashmeer Mohamed, speaking at the signing of the MOU at the Division’s conference room in Glen Road, Scarborough, said the company will be working with the businesses to bring them up to the required level.
“In this MOU, we are going to be developing the entrepreneurial development and also capacity building of entrepreneurs and businesses in Tobago. We already have a cohort of 11 businesses that we’re dealing with…We are going to use our various expertise in terms of co-financing, in terms of training, in terms of capacity building and what we’re also going to be doing very closely is working with the Division,” Mohammed said.
“We have to bring these 11 to a level and as soon as we’re comfortable that these businesses are able to go on their own and operate… as soon as we reach that milestone, then we would look for another 11 or 12…,” he added.
Mohammed said the operators of the 11 recommended businesses were interviewed and visits paid to their operations “to ensure that they do have the capacity to do business and able to export.”
The 11 businesses include nine agro-processes, a manufacturer of detergent, and a handbag designer.
Assistant Secretary of the Division, Shomari Hector welcomed the opportunities that would redound from exposure to external markets and expressed the hope that local business operators will take the opportunity to not just to raise the standard of their operations but the quality of their goods and services “so that the brand that is Tobago, the brand that is Trinidad and Tobago. would penetrate further markets and attract the kinds of exchanges that we want from such a relationship.”
"ExportTT to train 11 business operators"