$4.7m earned by Brian Lara Stadium

THE Brian Lara Stadium in Tarouba has earned more than $4 million since 2017, reported Energy Minister Franklin Khan.
He was responding to a question in the Senate on Tuesday from Opposition Senator Gerald Ramdeen about the total revenue earned from the stadium for the period September 2015 to September 2019. Khan said construction was completed in May 2017 and Udecott provided project management services for construction and was subsequently used to operate and manage the facility after construction.
“A facility that was left idle by the UNC for five long years.”
Khan said for the period, Udecott advised the total revenue earned was $4,707,748.95. Ramdeen asked when the administration decided to spend $110 million on the facility in fiscal 2016 and 2017 what was the projected revenue upon which the decision was taken.
Khan responded: “Facilities that are for the public’s use is not 100 per cent based on income forecasts. And furthermore, the UNC’s estimates to complete that, prior to their demitting office, was $350 million. We completed it for $110 million, and it has been put to good use. The country is enjoying the facility especially those in South and Central Trinidad.”
"$4.7m earned by Brian Lara Stadium"