TTPS supports Traffic Victim Remembrance

Commissioner of Police Gary Griffith and the TTPS joined with local road safety NGO Arrive Alive to commemorate the United Nations/World Health Organisations’ World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims, 2018, at the Queen’s Park Savannah.
The police in a release said "Walk, Ride and Relay" event began at 3pm on Saturday.
"The objective of this significant initiative is to raise greater awareness of safety on the nation’s roadways, while remembering victims of road traffic accidents. As an avid supporter of safe driving practices, Commissioner Griffith attended the event, where he met and spoke with a number of participants.
The TTPS information booths which were set up at the Savannah provided demonstrations on the use of speed guns and breathalyser kits and police officers gave advice on road safety laws.
"TTPS supports Traffic Victim Remembrance"