Stuart vs Devant on SSA

National Security Minister Stuart Young.
National Security Minister Stuart Young.

THE head of the Strategic Services Agency (SSA) remains Colonel George Robinson who has merely gone on leave, to return in December, said Minister of National Security Stuart Young on Thursday.

At the weekly post-Cabinet briefing at the Diplomatic Centre, St Ann’s, the minister criticised “distorting information” issued via the media to mislead the public by someone he dubbed the “national nuisance.”

Earlier on Thursday, Opposition activist Devant Maharaj in a statement alleged that Robinson was sent on leave since November 1 without a return date (which Maharaj deemed highly irregular.)

Ex-government minister
Devant Maharaj.

Maharaj alleged Young and Robinson had a disagreement, after which Robinson was sent on leave, leaving Maharaj to suggest Robinson’s contract may have ended to never be renewed by the Government. Maharaj alleged he and two other former ministers are now actively monitored along with an Opposition online activist.


“The SSA bought new systems and have a new department where they monitor Facebook and Instagram with a particular focus on UNC related posts.” He said the government must say if the SSA is now a political tool to hound the UNC, while criminals conduct their activities unfettered.

Young said the government plays absolutely no role in intelligence but agencies such as the Police Service and Defence Force are simply allowed to do their work.

He said people sent him screen-shots showing the person who had first sent out a Business Insider story that TT is the world’s 12th most dangerous place.

“The National Nuisance continues to try to create a sense of panic in Trinidad and Tobago. We want to make TT a safe place.” Young described the article as “click bait” and complained it had no analysis to show how it had reached its conclusions, such as the number of serious crimes per capita in various countries.

Young said government supports press freedom, but very irresponsible people are trying to mislead the public. He said the government does not engage in cheap games, but is set on debating the Deosaran Police Manpower Audit and so fully supporting the police.

“The national nuisance will create a whole set of memes and flood social media.” In a later statement, Maharaj stood by his claims on Robinson, and said he had made no editorial changes to the Business Insider story.

“Minister Young continued name-calling and his preoccupation and attacks on me is disturbing for freedom of speech reminiscent of the traits of a dictatorship,” Maharaj hit.

“Minister Young was silent on the allegation that the SSA has established a unit to monitor Facebook and Instagram with a focus on the UNC.”


"Stuart vs Devant on SSA"

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