Opposition calls Imbert rude, facetious and arrogant

AT different points Friday during the Standing Finance Committee meeting on Tobago House of Assembly expenditure for the 2018/2019 budget, various Opposition members described Finance Minister Colm Imbert as rude, facetious and arrogant.
Pointe-a-Pierre MP David Lee asked about the increase of $1.1 million in fees and asked Imbert to account for the estimate.
Imbert responded: "Mr Chairman I cannot accommodate a member who comes late, asks a question that was already asked and answered."
Indarsingh said: "Arrogant."
Forde said at that point not even ten items had been identified and there was a long evening ahead.
Later in the sitting Ramdial asked for details about the youth energised for success unit and Imbert responded: "It is to energise young people for success."
Ramdial said: "Don't be facetious minister."
Imbert said: "You're accusing me of being facetious?"
Ramdial said: "Can I get some clarification please? You just repeated what I said in a different way."
Imbert said: "It's a programme. It's been there for years."
Gopeesingh also asked about the item of payment of superannuation benefits and queried a missing word.
Imbert responded: "Assemblymen."
Gopeesingh: "You now want to put that in."
Imbert said: "That is what is missing."
Gopeesingh: "You don't have to be so rude as usual."
Members on both sides laughed and this lightened the tone of the Chamber.
Imbert said: "Mr Chairman I object. I object. I was asked a question and I answered it in sweet and milk, honey-like tones. And the member said I am rude? I object."
Forde asked Gopeesingh to retract and Gopeesingh, laughing, agreed.
Imbert, also laughing, said: "You playing for the gallery."
Forde said: "We needed that."
"Opposition calls Imbert rude, facetious and arrogant"