Philmore’s funeral in south

Ken “Professor” Philmore.
Ken “Professor” Philmore.

The funeral of panman Ken "Professor" Philmore will be held at St Paul’s Anglican Church, Harris Promenade, San Fernando, on Thursday at 1.30 pm.

San Fernando Mayor Junia Regrello made this announcement today at his office after a meeting with Philmore’s wife Sophia and his son Keston Marchan.

The mayor said the San Fernando City Corporation would pay the funeral bill. Philmore’s passing, he said, is a big loss for San Fernando in particular.

“Philmore’s contribution to San Fernando and the pan fraternity was an inspiration to young players and arrangers,”

He said Philmore played with many south steelbands and this is why he lobbied for a south funeral for him.

“He represented San Fernando with pride and this is our way of saying thanks for the contributions to the city of San Fernando,”

Philmore died yesterday morning in the Intensive Care Unit at San Fernando General Hospital.

On September 24 he was involved in a car accident on the Solomon Hochoy Highway near Claxton Bay area and suffered internal injuries which led to his death.


"Philmore’s funeral in south"

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