NGC on SIS: Several inaccuracies by Maharaj

THE National Gas Company (NGC) has stated its intention to refrain from publicly commenting on the ongoing legal matter with SIS and Rain Forest Resorts Limited citing the rule of sub judice which means that people are not allowed to discuss it in the media.

The company was responding to a news conference by attorney Ramesh Lawrence Maharaj who spoke on behalf of SIS and Rain Forest resorts in which he questioned why NGC is continuing legal action against both companies after the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council dismissed NGC’s appeal and ruled in favour of the two companies.

In a media release on Thursday, NGC stated proceedings are “pending” before the High Court which have been adjourned to December 2018. NGC stated that the matter involves “allegations of fraud against SIS and RFRL and seeks remedies in respect of same.”

“Arbitration proceedings were commenced by NGC against SIS in October 2016 seeking to recover more than TT$400 million from SIS arising out of the breach of contract by SIS leading to its termination. NGC has at all times taken steps to diligently prosecute those proceedings and continues to do so.

The sub judice rule prevents parties including their attorneys from commenting on matters that are before a court or tribunal for judicial determination. Breach of the rule is punishable by contempt.”


However, NGC stated there were “several inaccuracies” in Maharaj’s statements saying SIS had never offered NGC an “undertaking not to dispose of its assets up to the value of TT$180 million pending the hearing and determination of the arbitration proceedings.”


"NGC on SIS: Several inaccuracies by Maharaj"

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