Ministry, schools must compromise

THE EDITOR: I see the Education Ministry has submitted a note to Cabinet to increase the fees paid for government students in the 12 private secondary schools. Minister Anthony Garcia did say how much is the increase but he said a final decision is expected by next week.

While this is good news, it is disappointing to see a principal from the Association of Private Secondary Schools making the rounds on television bashing the minister. This poor and disrespectful conduct is a bad example from a principal. This public disrespect is unnecessary.

I applaud Garcia for not responding in like manner. Instead he continues to highlight that there is a process which must be followed.

I know the minister is on record telling the media the Government values the contribution of private secondary schools and all is being done to resolve the matter by month-end.

The association should call for discussions and dialogue on the issue. Instead it remains steadfast that it must be $5,700 per student or nothing else.


I hope both sides put the interests of the teachers and students first in this situation.



"Ministry, schools must compromise"

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