Private schools run like a business

THE EDITOR: I have read many views on the issue with the 12 private secondary schools wanting more money for government students.

I agree $1,200 per student is too small and they must have an increase. However, these operators have chosen to remain private so they must run their schools like a business to make a profit.

These schools must not be confused with denominational schools.

Their investment model is one where they sell the Government a certain number of spaces at a specific price and they also sell private students spaces at a higher price.

I noticed that they are not saying how much they charge private students and how much money they make from the spaces they sell to these students.


I made some inquiries and learned that the $5,700 they are asking for is more than what they charge private students per term. Are they hoping the Government will give them this increase and will also meet their most outrageous demand to make it retroactive in order to save their businesses?

Like every other businessman, these operators must come up with innovative ways if their investments are to survive. Maybe a change of their business model is necessary.



"Private schools run like a business"

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