TTMA commends Lower House for passing Anti-Terrorism Amendment Bill

All's Well:Ag Faris Al Rawi chats with Opposition leader Kamla Persad Bissessar after the anti terrorism bill was passed in the lower house looking on is Caroni East MP Tim goopeesingh
tUESDAY, 3RD jULY, 2018
All's Well:Ag Faris Al Rawi chats with Opposition leader Kamla Persad Bissessar after the anti terrorism bill was passed in the lower house looking on is Caroni East MP Tim goopeesingh PHOTO BY AZLAN MOHAMMED tUESDAY, 3RD jULY, 2018

The TT Manufacturers' Association (TTMA) is commending the Lower House of Parliament for passing the Anti-Terrorism Amendment Bill on Tuesday.

TTMA president Christopher Alcazar said, "The perception of our country as being free from terrorist activity is important to investor confidence. It bears even more significance as our country seeks to reduce criminal activity in general and restore a sense of safety amongst the business community."

The Bill was unanimously passed on Tuesday afternoon by a vote of 35 MPs (Government and Opposition) for the legislation, none opposed and no abstentions. However passage of the bill happened after Speaker of the House, Bridgid Annisette-George had to restore order as Government and Opposition MPs engaged in heated verbal exchanges during committee deliberations on the bill.

Expressing "extreme satisfaction" that both sides were able to come to an agreement in the end, the TTMA said it "recognises the extensive length of time on which this Amendment Bill was deliberated (is) an indication of its significance to our country’s security. Given the core emphasis of the bill, our association applauds both sides of the Lower House for their persistence and attention to detail in ensuring that the Bill was carefully amended."

The TTMA is looking forward to the passage of the Bill in the Upper House and thereafter, proclamation by the President.


"We anticipate that this journey would not be a long and drawn out process and within a short period of time, we can have enacted this very important piece of legislation as a tool to protect our economy against criminal activity," Alcazar said.

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"TTMA commends Lower House for passing Anti-Terrorism Amendment Bill"

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