Act wisely onschool repairs

THE EDITOR: It was disappointing to read in the media that the Association of Denominational Boards of Education is objecting to the initiative by the Ministry of Education to partner with borough and regional corporations to carry out repairs/renovations at schools during the July-August vacation period.

Its statement, issued by PRO Satnarayan Maharaj, also raised issues like construction of new schools and other matters.

Who the ministry partners with does not matter. The important thing is that the repairs will be carried out and students and teachers will enjoy better conditions come September when schools reopen.

Opposition to the initiative is confusing as many of the denominational boards generally get help from the corporations to clean septic tanks at their schools and help with various school repairs.

I find this action surprising also because many of them would tell parents they don’t have money to do repairs, despite receiving funds from the Government.


I urge the representatives of these boards to act wisely and put the interest of their schools, students and teachers first and do not follow the advice of people with other agendas. Continue to partner with the ministry and your borough and regional corporations and fix your schools.

, Diego Martin


"Act wisely onschool repairs"

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