Fuelling the labour of love

THE EDITOR: Generally, we in TT are quick to condemn but slow to praise. This is why I felt compelled to pen this letter about a recent, exceptional experience I had at a local business place.

On Tuesday, a cold and rainy Labour Day, I pulled into the St Christopher’s Taxi Co-operative Society Service Station on Wrightson Road, Port of Spain, intending to purchase gas for my vehicle and continue on my journey.

I was pleased to experience the professional and exemplary service at this station. I got a true sense that my business was valued. I want to especially highlight the outstanding service offered by the young man who served as the “greeter” at the service station. While it was clear he was well trained, I noted the genuineness with which he indicated that it was a pleasure serving me.

This is the quality of service of which we are all capable. I want to thank the team of the St Christopher’s Service Station for exemplifying one of our national watchwords, “productivity,” on, of all days, Labour Day.

I pledge to make every effort to continue to patronise this service station.



Minister of Health


"Fuelling the labour of love"

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