Come home and then what, PM?

THE EDITOR: Over two months ago, Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley addressed a gathering of TT nationals in London and urged young people in the audience to return home to help in the fight against crime in the country.

Now, I have purposely waited before writing this letter to see if others would question the hypocrisy in this statement.

You see, there is a certain national scholarship winner who went on to post-graduate studies in criminology. She is an absolutely brilliant individual who then applied for two years to the Ministry of National Security for a job, to no avail.

Well today that young woman is in charge of a cluster of 11 prisons in southern England, while those in charge of TT prisons allow prisoner parties, complete with cell phones, music, food and dancing.

Also, if the authorities are willing to make the effort to look into the matter more thoroughly, there are many similar stories of qualified nationals who have failed to find employment with the matching government department of their area of expertise.


, Maraval


"Come home and then what, PM?"

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