Bring back the death penalty

THE EDITOR: We certainly have some strange-thinking individuals among our citizens. I refer to the letter which appeared in Sunday’s paper titled “Qur’anic crime solution,” written I assume by one of our citizens.

We really don’t want to start cutting off the hands of those criminals here who steal or use the gun. If this is applied we would see too many disabled citizens walking around our streets.

As a democratic nation we have other ways (laws) of dealing with murderers, thieves and other criminals. The only problem is that the laws are not implemented by the politicians now in the corridors of power.

Admittedly, things look bleak where crime is concerned here, causing decent citizens to think of ideas to quell the situation. The answer however is staring us in the face. For instance, to stem the flow of murders all the politicians have to do is restore the death penalty.



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"Bring back the death penalty"

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