Don’t keep students from school

THE EDITOR: I see the parents of children attending the Princes Town No 1 Presbyterian Primary School are sticking to their guns. They will not send their children to classes until a new school is built and they want it done by September.

Despite feeling sorry for the children, I question the wisdom of this decision because the students are the biggest losers here.

While they are deliberately kept away from classes, the students are getting on with their education. The existing conditions may not be ideal but the students’ education must be top priority.

I shared a building with another school and attended classes on a rotation basis during my days at primary school and I am sure many others have done so too.

I am also aware of the inconvenience experienced by parents, especially those with children attending both schools, who are forced to make major adjustments to their schedules due to the shift system.


However, calls by the Parent-Teacher Association for the Government to commit to build a new school by September may be unrealistic for many reasons. I appeal to the parents to let good sense prevail and do not deny these children their education.



"Don’t keep students from school"

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